Thursday 18 January 2018

How to reduce and loose weight using herbal tips

How to reduce and loose weight using herbal tips

Weight loss is a general problem in this era. Everybody wants to be seen as a healthy and smart person. Extra fats are not very much liked by individuals. For this purpose different dieting charts, exercises and synthetic products are being used around the globe. How ever, such diets and synthetic products can cause side effects along with failure to show appropriate results. This post will tell some very effective and easy tips which can help you loose the extra fats with out any side effects in a quick time. 

  1. Take a glass of warm water and squeeze half a lemon into it. Take one table spoon of honey and add it into the solution as well. Keep drinking it slowly which will help getting control over the extra fats. This solution can be used as much as suits one throughout the day. You will see awesome results in 15 - 30 days. This has no side effects plus it will enhance the digestive system as well.
  2.  Cabbage is recognized vegetable which has great effect for reducing weight. If the lunch is replaced by cabbage salad it can be very effective in the weight loss process. It is scientifically proven that cabbage has tartaric acid which does not allow glucose and other carbohydrates to turn into fats. Cabbage is a very handy vegetable for weight loss expedition. 
  3. Two fresh tomatoes have the energy for a complete meal. taking two fresh tomatoes in the breakfast can provide one with a suitable amount of energy along with burning of fats. do this for at least one month it will reduce fatness and allow you to reduce weight. 
Enjoy these tips and comment your experiences with us ! 

Herbal and Natural tips for fair complexion: Beauty Tips

Herbal tips for Fair Complexion

Fair complexion and glowing skin is a desire of almost every human being especially females. There are many synthetic products in the market but they are less effective and have more side effects. Many natural products have the ability to enhance the skin complexion and tone. Some of these tips are written below for your use and convenience:

  1. Take some turmeric powder and add some lime drop into it . Stir the mixture until it takes the form of a mixture. Apply this paste on the face and let it be for ten minutes. After ten minutes massage it gently with hands and wash with clean water. You will feel the effect since first try. Keep doing this regularly once a week. 
  2.  Take the stuffing of apricot and add some honey into it. apply this on face and skin for fairing effect. 
  3. Take some milk cream and mix some honey into it. Apply it on face before going to bed. It will reduce the freckles along with giving a fair complexion.
  4. Lime drop: 10 gm, olive oil 20 gm, Almond oil 20 gm, apply these on face and arms. In a few days enjoy a fair, soft, clean and glowing skin. 

These are all tested tips with great effect and no side effects. Use this knowledge and enjoy a fair skin.  

Monday 15 January 2018

How to make chicken corn soup at home

Chicken Corn Soup

chicken corn soup is a very delicious and healthy food item which is widely famous all around the globe. It is a very demanding item especially in the winters. Here is an easy way to make chicken corn soup at home:


  • Chicken with bone
  • Corn flour
  • Eggs
  • Salt / pepper
  • water
  • stove / pan 
  • boiled corn


Take water in the pan and put it on stove. Put the chicken in the water to boil. Once the water gets boiled turn off the stove and take out the boiled chicken out of the stew. Cover the stew for some time. Now rip off meat from the chicken pieces and throw the bones away. Put some salt and pepper according to desire.

Turn on the stove again. Take the egg and first make a small hole on one side so that only the egg white comes out. Once the egg white is separated take another cup and pour the egg yolk in this cup. Stir both parts of the egg gently. Take another cup and make a mixture of corn flour and water.

When the stew to starts to show bubbles again take egg white and pour it in the pan while stirring constantly. Repeat the same process for pouring egg yolk and corn flour as well. By the time you have done pouring the corn flour the stew will start taking a thick texture. 

Pour the boiled corn and ripped off meat into the soup. Delicious and healthy Chicken corn soup is ready to be served.

Monday 2 June 2014

"LASSI", The White Beer: Summer Special

In summers, inner body temperature rises with the rise in the temperature of outer body and the environment. This causes trouble and one suffers from different mishaps. There is a simple way of neutralizing  this heat by having a glass or two of Lassi, the white beer, which will give you the feeling of great soothness. Here's how you can make it at home:


 1. Yogurt
 2. Cold Drinking Water
 3. Blender / Shaker
 4. Sugar/ Salt

  Take the yogurt and put it in the blender( 1/4 kilo for a normal size blender jug lassi). Add cold water to the required quantity. Add sugar or salt according to your taste. You can also add some ice in order to cool it farther(do not add solid cubes instead crush them to save your blender jug from any damage). There your own brand of white beer is ready for you to enjoy. Happy Summers!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

How to get rid of black smoker lips: Natural remedy

A lot of smokers are worried about their blackening lips. As they keep on smoking regularly the process progresses rapidly. Their is a very easy and natural solution of this problem which will help you improve the color of your lips with return of the natural softness of lips. 


1. Mustard/ Canola oil
2. A bottle of water.


Before lighting a cigarette or smoking, put some mustard oil on your lips. Don't rub the oil too much, let it be there while you smoke. This simple step will prevent you from further blackening, as well as start the reverse process of lips rehabilitation. Once you are done, take the bottle of water and drink some water( at least three normal sips). This will also help in stopping the blackening process and reverse it. These two simple steps can give you back your lips with no blackness or spots, with natural softness.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Shiny, strong and silky hair : Herbal Remedy

The amount of dangerous chemicals used in the preparation of shampoo and soaps, these days,  are very corrosive to your hair. If you apply these chemically prepared solutions on your hair directly, they leave a very  bad effect on the appearance and strength of your hair, which can be observed in a due course of time. Here is a very simple tip which you can use to save your hair from the corrosive nature of these basic products and make your hair more strong, shiny and silky. The method is as follows:


  1. Egg
  2. Mustard Oil or Canola Oil.
  3. Yogurt
  4. A drop of lime or two(For more shine)
  5. Castor oil
  6. A bowl
  7. A fork
  8. A spoon


  1.      Take the egg and break it into a bowl. 
  2. Add 2 table spoons of yogurt and 4 table spoons of mustard/canola oil. 
  3. Take the fork and beat the ingredients until they are merged into each other. 
  4. Add some canola oil which is also a very important ingredient for hair loss control and healthy hair. 
  5. Stir it more for a while. 
  6.  Apply this paste on your hair and hair roots, gently. Allow the paste to dry . 
  7. Once you feel the the paste is dried in your hair, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.  . 

There, you have found a way to protect and maintain your hair with an stunning look and shine. This can be used 2-3 times a week preferably

Advanced tip: Don't apply basic (inorganic) products to your hair without applying mustard/canola oil in priority, at least. 

Monday 28 April 2014

How to build stamina for lifetime

Stamina is one of the main desires for the human of this age. Without stamina no one can produce output for a longer time period as they get tired. So more the stamina is , more work a person can perform before being tired. Here is a very easy pursuing action which will only take less than five minutes of your time daily but will provide you with immense amount of stamina packages for your whole life:



  1. A flat and hard surface.
  2. Some will power.


     Just after you wake up. Find your self on the floor and get in the position of doing push-ups.see positions.

One complete push up means you go down and get up again. You any have to perform ten push ups but make sure that you make one breathe in and out during the tenure of one push up. 

This simple exercise will change the level of stamina within days for you, enhancing throughout your life time and making you more efficient. 

(Note: People with blood pressure , sugar or other disease/disabilities should consult doctor before pursuing.)