Thursday, 18 January 2018

Herbal and Natural tips for fair complexion: Beauty Tips

Herbal tips for Fair Complexion

Fair complexion and glowing skin is a desire of almost every human being especially females. There are many synthetic products in the market but they are less effective and have more side effects. Many natural products have the ability to enhance the skin complexion and tone. Some of these tips are written below for your use and convenience:

  1. Take some turmeric powder and add some lime drop into it . Stir the mixture until it takes the form of a mixture. Apply this paste on the face and let it be for ten minutes. After ten minutes massage it gently with hands and wash with clean water. You will feel the effect since first try. Keep doing this regularly once a week. 
  2.  Take the stuffing of apricot and add some honey into it. apply this on face and skin for fairing effect. 
  3. Take some milk cream and mix some honey into it. Apply it on face before going to bed. It will reduce the freckles along with giving a fair complexion.
  4. Lime drop: 10 gm, olive oil 20 gm, Almond oil 20 gm, apply these on face and arms. In a few days enjoy a fair, soft, clean and glowing skin. 

These are all tested tips with great effect and no side effects. Use this knowledge and enjoy a fair skin.  

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