Monday, 15 January 2018

How to make chicken corn soup at home

Chicken Corn Soup

chicken corn soup is a very delicious and healthy food item which is widely famous all around the globe. It is a very demanding item especially in the winters. Here is an easy way to make chicken corn soup at home:


  • Chicken with bone
  • Corn flour
  • Eggs
  • Salt / pepper
  • water
  • stove / pan 
  • boiled corn


Take water in the pan and put it on stove. Put the chicken in the water to boil. Once the water gets boiled turn off the stove and take out the boiled chicken out of the stew. Cover the stew for some time. Now rip off meat from the chicken pieces and throw the bones away. Put some salt and pepper according to desire.

Turn on the stove again. Take the egg and first make a small hole on one side so that only the egg white comes out. Once the egg white is separated take another cup and pour the egg yolk in this cup. Stir both parts of the egg gently. Take another cup and make a mixture of corn flour and water.

When the stew to starts to show bubbles again take egg white and pour it in the pan while stirring constantly. Repeat the same process for pouring egg yolk and corn flour as well. By the time you have done pouring the corn flour the stew will start taking a thick texture. 

Pour the boiled corn and ripped off meat into the soup. Delicious and healthy Chicken corn soup is ready to be served.

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