Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Shiny, strong and silky hair : Herbal Remedy

The amount of dangerous chemicals used in the preparation of shampoo and soaps, these days,  are very corrosive to your hair. If you apply these chemically prepared solutions on your hair directly, they leave a very  bad effect on the appearance and strength of your hair, which can be observed in a due course of time. Here is a very simple tip which you can use to save your hair from the corrosive nature of these basic products and make your hair more strong, shiny and silky. The method is as follows:


  1. Egg
  2. Mustard Oil or Canola Oil.
  3. Yogurt
  4. A drop of lime or two(For more shine)
  5. Castor oil
  6. A bowl
  7. A fork
  8. A spoon


  1.      Take the egg and break it into a bowl. 
  2. Add 2 table spoons of yogurt and 4 table spoons of mustard/canola oil. 
  3. Take the fork and beat the ingredients until they are merged into each other. 
  4. Add some canola oil which is also a very important ingredient for hair loss control and healthy hair. 
  5. Stir it more for a while. 
  6.  Apply this paste on your hair and hair roots, gently. Allow the paste to dry . 
  7. Once you feel the the paste is dried in your hair, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.  . 

There, you have found a way to protect and maintain your hair with an stunning look and shine. This can be used 2-3 times a week preferably

Advanced tip: Don't apply basic (inorganic) products to your hair without applying mustard/canola oil in priority, at least. 

Monday, 28 April 2014

How to build stamina for lifetime

Stamina is one of the main desires for the human of this age. Without stamina no one can produce output for a longer time period as they get tired. So more the stamina is , more work a person can perform before being tired. Here is a very easy pursuing action which will only take less than five minutes of your time daily but will provide you with immense amount of stamina packages for your whole life:



  1. A flat and hard surface.
  2. Some will power.


     Just after you wake up. Find your self on the floor and get in the position of doing push-ups.see positions.

One complete push up means you go down and get up again. You any have to perform ten push ups but make sure that you make one breathe in and out during the tenure of one push up. 

This simple exercise will change the level of stamina within days for you, enhancing throughout your life time and making you more efficient. 

(Note: People with blood pressure , sugar or other disease/disabilities should consult doctor before pursuing.)

Stomach Disease:Remedy

In this busy world, eating outside is very common. This makes stomach disease very common in every age group, these days. Its very hard for people to cook for themselves according to their hygiene and requirement, so they head towards the enormous range of food places. If this cannot be avoided then there must be some remedy or precautionary measure to minimize or eliminate this unhealthy effect of junk food. So a very easy way of helping your stomach to survive in this unhealthy environment is as follows:

Things required:

  1. A glass of mildly warm water
  2. A spoon
  3. Honey


Take the spoon and add two table spoons of honey (pure) into the glass of mildly warm water. stir it to dissolve the honey. Drink it just before you get up every morning, before doing anything else. Your stomach will start working more efficiently and you will have some bonus energy without any side effects.